Male Figure Art Tips – Entertainment Videos

If you are looking to begin your artistic endeavors, read this article for some helpful tips you could need.

If you are just beginning to learn about sketching a body for a person Begin by drawing advanced forms. Drawing basic shapes is the only way to begin sketching sticks. The balance that you find between “stickman” designs and the more complex forms that are more real can help you begin with drawing human anatomy. Start by drawing your torso. This is an excellent place to learn advanced drawing techniques.

When drawing the lower part of your body, there’s a couple of key tips that differ from drawing the upper one. Important to note that, although legs and arms are very similar however their proportions can make them quite different. A diamond-shaped shape is the best way to start drawing your figure’s legs. Advanced shapes are required to draw legs with precision with respect to slope, shape and dimensions. Be sure to not use the arms method.

These suggestions are applicable to female figure art. If you’re seeking more in-depth information look no further than the video we’ve linked in the above post! g1op4pwmbh.